To be honest, lately I have started getting a bit down on myself, so it was a good reminder for me to notice today that the fig tree in the courtyard has burst forth with new life after being bare throughout the winter months. So far it has been a very intense year. Lately it has felt that the events of the past year has caught up with me, my energy levels have dampened, ideas remain dormant, and in many ways I have lapsed from the practices I had put in place earlier this year to get through the tougher times.
One of the amazing plants of the world is the Rose of Jericho, one of the known resurrection plants. The Rose of Jericho can "aimlessly" tumble through the deserts of Africa in a desiccated and dormant state for years, even decades. Then under the right conditions, in a phenomenally short space of time take root in the sand, spring back into life and release seeds that quickly germinate for the next generation of plants, thus ensuring the survival of the species.
When we go through change and personal transformation, there are phases of natural dormancy. The seeming lack of external evidence of change does not mean that significant changes are not happening internally. Then, as with the resurrection plants, or the magic of springtime when plants burst into leaf and bud into flower, under the right conditions, external evidence of those changes burst forth, ideas spring into creation and energy returns tenfold. However, there are moments in that period of dormancy, when we feel gone out on a limb, we can be tempted to simply give up and let the benefit of the work already done to wither and die. This is a critical moment. The moment just before breaking through the barrier. It is the moment, we feel we just simply cannot take another step forward, yet we can. It is the moment we unfurl our wings and ready for flight.
Eckhart Tolle says "Whenever an experience come to an end, you die a little death. Often this leaves behind a feeling of emptiness that most people try hard not to feel, not to face. If you can learn to accept and even welcome the endings in your life, you may find that the feeling of emptiness that initially felt uncomfortable turns into a sense of inner spaciousness that is deeply peaceful. By learning to die daily in this way, your open yourself to Life."
Flying Solo Tip 090365 : Have patience to await the springtime of your transformation.