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Are you being heard? ... Finding a Voice

Drago : 002365

Today is election day in Australia. It is compulsory to vote, here, if you are over 18 years of age. If we vote, we have our say ... or so they say. This year I certainly don't feel that my vote will be particularly valuable, or that my voice will be heard. None of the major parties align particularly well to my values, social concerns, or perceived issues; and the long string of independents and minor parties for the most part are so focussed on singular, one dimensional issues that are primarily driven by fear rather than governance of the people.

However, today has brought into my awareness how important finding a voice is when flying solo - be that in your personal relationships, or running a business.

I am not embarrassed to say that there have been times when I have had plenty of voices in my head. Some have proven to be less supportive than others - many of them have just been a lot are just noise. I have also been in plenty of situations, where I felt that my voice simply was not being heard by others - no matter how rationally I presented my case, or how often, or how much confidence I showed. It can feel so disempowering, when you feel that you have lost your voice. It can lead us to acting in ways that are "not normal" for us because we want to put what we have to say in capitals, bold, underlined and if possible with flashing coloured neon lights just to be heard. When we have lost our voice, we often end up in situations we really didn't intend to be in.

Over recent months one of the opportunities I have had while flying solo is to clear the head space, turn down the inner noise and to be more conscious of the conversations I have with others. Ironically, the quieter we become on the inside the more we are able to listen. The more I consciously listen, the more I can hear my single and true inner voice - the intuitive voice that speaks from the core of my being.

I am beginning to recognise the sound of this voice - it is calm, tempered and certain. It guides with a seemingly ancient wisdom with its surety, quietness and completeness. I am learning to acknowledge the other voices driven by fear and doubt, but not to let those voices drown out the voice of my essence, Finding a voice is not so much finding a voice which others will hear ... it is about listening to our inner voice, the voice that is supportive of us living now and being well, it is the voice that is appreciative of the arguments driven by fear and doubt but not discouraged by them. It is the voice that gives us the certainty and courage to open our wings and fly.


Flying Solo Tip 002365 : Respectfully hear the noises driven by fear and doubt, but deeply listen to the inner voice that gives you certainty and courage to open your wings and fly.


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