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drago : 067365


Have you ever had a neurogasm? ... and I am not talking about the drinks that hit the market a few years ago. Actually, I don't even think that neurogasm is a technical term, but it is the best word I can come up with the describe some of my experience over the weekend.

I spent a large portion of the weekend in meditation learning new techniques to activate different centres of the brain, and energy centres in the body. Although the experience could be relegated to the realms of mysticism and easily discounted, once we begin to learn the physiological, anatomical, chemical, and neurological aspects of what is taking place the innate potential that resides in each of us becomes even more fascinating. We are universes unto ourselves.

Modern science is starting to catch up with the wisdom of the ancients. However, we also live in an age of large pharmaceutical companies whose best interests are not served by the growing body of evidence that we have the capacity and potential to heal ourselves without drug intervention. We also live in an age of uncontrollable drug (prescribed and illicit) usage - it seems that a large percentage of us a looking for a way to alleviate the stress and disconnection we feel in our lives, and to alter our state of being by injecting, inhaling or swallowing. We also live in an age of consumerism, where the social norm is to find the quick fix to our mental, physical, and emotional issues without having to actually do the inner work. So as much as we are discovering the science of how amazing we are, we are living in an environmental context filled with subliminal messages conditioning us to believe that we do not have this innate potential.

If you have forgotten how amazing you are, watch this video. The miracle is you. And to quote Kute Blackson,

"There are universes dancing inside your body

There are sunsets shining in your heart

There are symphonies playing in your toes

River of blood effortlessly flows

There is a full moon beaming in you belly button

There is a cold breeze blowing in your lungs

A gentle rain that falls from your eyes

There is an army of love in every step

Listen to the music deep inside.

Just listen

Realise, visualise it is all inside

If you ever forget, just close your eyes"

P.S. Oh ... and if you are wondering what a neurorgasm feels like ... well it is a very intimate affair with one's inner self - you lose the constructs of time, space, and place and your mind opens to possibilities.


Flying Solo Tip 067365 : Unleash your potential, not by searching out there, but by travelling within.


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