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drago : 024365

silent sundays

I spent most of today in silence, and it became a productive workday Sunday, It made me think of my dad who's typical response to "What would you like for Christmas?" was "peace and quiet, just some peace and quiet". We are rarely given the opportunity for a full day of silence. Flying solo means that there are days when not a word is spoken - although today, I did burst into the occasional song in a sing like nobody is listening kind of way. Thank god nobody was!

Earlier this year I did go on a silent retreat which worked on releasing emotional charges around memories. What I found fascinating about this process is the premise that emotional charges (both positive and negative) are nothing more than tiny neural impulses firing in the brain. When we take the "emotion" out of emotion, and consider it at a physiological or anatomical level as a small cluster of neural activity inside the brain, we are able to re-condition our reactions and responses to past events or current situations that we liken to past events. The emotion of the memory no longer has power over us, and if we are able to flood that memory with a sense of appreciation, we create a new neural pathway that enables healing and freedom to live in the now.

There are plenty of videos online that talk about the neuroplasticity of the brain, our capacity to change our todays, and about processes to require our brains to create new and beneficial pathways for healing. Here is a relatively short video which covers some basics : The Amazing Power of the Mind.


Flying Solo 024365 : In silence we can become truly present to our thoughts and actively change them if they no longer serve us.


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