Today I had the honour to be present at a special gathering of women that meet each year to celebrate familial and friendship ties. I think such gathering of women are fairly absent these days where there is a strong intra-generational bonds.
There were bountiful plates of home-made delicious food, plenty of alcoholic drinks between courses, trills of laughter and rich story telling. The bonds were unmissable as was the depth of support and love between these women. I was there to photograph the event - but made to feel most welcome amongst this female clan.
The event made me remember a beautiful book I picked up many years ago called "The 13 Original Clan Mothers" written by Jamie Sams, a native american. The book is rich in sharing the truth of an ancient feminine wisdom tradition. The first chapter is about "Talks with Relations", the clan mother of the first moon cycle, and speaks about learning the truth through finding kinship with all life. She writes "Kinship speaks of having right relations with the Creative Force, with the Self, our Spiritual Essences, with our bodies, with family, friends, (and) worthy opponents. These relationships can become loving, productive situations that offer us opportunities to exchange ideas or sharing, with unity , in order to grow in truth. Talks with Relations welcomes all life forms into her Clan. She sees beauty of each and honours the talents each holds."
Flying Solo Tip 079365 : When we are open to the wisdom of tradition, we are able to forge a path for positive change.