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drago : 054365

stand in your magic

One of the treasured and creative management books on my book shelf is titled "The Way of Nowhere". I wish this book had been published when I was still in corporate life as I think it would have been a wonderful resource to use in building organisational systems and cultures to creatively deal with change.

The book is based on 8 questions to unlock our creative potential. Half of the book is dedicated to personal creative potential and the other half is focussed on using the process in teams or organisations.

One of the key questions is "How am I focussing the power of my intent?". I have previously written about by desire to live with intent and some of the exercises I do to bring those intentions front of mind and action. As I travel this journey, I am becoming more and more aware that the times I am distracted from my intentional practices, life become more difficult.

Intent has a lot to do with what we think, to choose what we think about and how we think about it. The Way of Nowhere suggests that we can "attract our purpose to us by intervening in the content and nature of our thoughts ... To achieve this we need to let go of the mechanistic view of the world that is based on cause and effect. We need to recognise that the world is an infinite web of interconnectedness which can be chaotic and unpredictable. It is the power of out intent that enables us to traverse this infinite interconnectedness and bring order to chaos. It invites us to exert mindful control over our thoughts."

"Through the power of intentionality we can move from unconsciously co-creating with the universe to consciously co-creating with the universe. We can, for example, move from 'I will achieve my purpose when I get that new job' to 'I am achieving my purpose now, so what opportunities are arising to help me to call it forth even more'. To live with intent we stand in our magic in the now. We become conscious in the now. Instead of seeing ourselves as separate from the , we recognise that we are part of the outside world and it is a part of us. "We observe our emotional state and how that is influencing out thoughts and behaviour. We also awaken to the teaching that like brings us in dreams, intuitions and concidences ... We attract our future to us, embracing our own transformation at will and with skill."

"Intention creates opportunity, commitment enables us to capture it " It requires perseverance and trust.

As we travel this journey, situations will arise and our self-responsibility to live according to our intentions or to fulfil our commitments will waiver. Being aware that there is always a choice, understanding the patterns that can control us and trusting that we can take back control, then we are able to hold onto our intent with a firm resolve.


Flying Solo Tip 054365 : Our thoughts and behaviours are the magnets that attract situations, and opportunities to our lives.


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