Stand up and be counted - it's census night! The five yearly survey of the Australian population. This year we had the option to complete the census online. For some reason it seemed a lot shorter than previous times i have completed it ... maybe my life is less complicated than it was in the past.
I always have a laugh at some of the questions. The one that tickled my fancy tonight was a question "Do you ever need help to communicate?" or something to that effect. I think there are many times when I need help to communicate and be understood. I know that wasn't the intent of the question, but even the census is become incredibly politically correct in how we describe certain disabilities without actually using the word disability or impaired.
There has been some controversy about data security. So, when I got to the end of the survey, I did laugh out loud here you have the option to share on facebook or tweet, that you have done your bit for Australia. Modern society ... I just hope that by the next government election we can vote online as well!
Flying Solo Tip 040365 : Every one counts.