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now being well

drago : 038365

This morning I was asked a simple question ... Why? Not a surprising question, as I know that sometimes my thinking and behaviour is not conventional. I have known that from a very young age and that is why at this stage in my life it is exciting that finally I am coming to terms with what makes me, me.

My answer to the question was quite simple - I believe in healing. I believe in the possibility and the capacity inside each of us to find our personal way and answers to heal ourselves. I believe that even our darkest hours are our greatest gifts to find those answers, if we are will be open enough and look for the learnings.

I think the desire to find answers to heal was with me from a very early age. There is one specific memory that comes to mind. I was probably about 8 or 9 at the times and I was walking down one of the tracks on my parent's farm. There are a line of pine trees there and cones were strewn over the ground. The thought that went to my mind was, "I wonder if pine cones have some kind of special medicinal power that could treat some terrible disease."

In those days I was indoctrinated with Catholicism and had learnt the Catechism by rote ... Where is God? God is everywhere. It occurred to me that if God could allow terrible illness and disease, that in his omnipotent manner he would have also created a solution to all those problems - we just had to find it. Perhaps it was hidden in some exotic location. Perhaps it was hidden in plain view like an innocent stretch of pine trees.

As a teenager, I fascinated by how the brain worked, more specifically I was fascinated by the way I thought. No-one seemed to have the questions to my answers and growing up in country Queensland Australia, resources and understanding of a much bigger world was a little limited. (If only I had google and the internet.) My first degree was in psychology. Looking back, psychology was probably not my calling. It seemed far too interested in squeezing people and behaviours into boxes. For me none of the boxes seemed to fit. I think, if I had known a broader range of options, I would probably have been far more excited by neuroscience - but knowing me back then I would have thought I was not clever enough to do that kind of study.

What is particularly exciting right now and the past decade is the explosion of research and understanding in the field of neuroscience. Our ability to re-wire our brain is so exciting to me. Our capacity to heal emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, by re-wiring our brain is totally within the realm of possibility. There are people around us doing that right now. I think the ancient mystics knew this. I think that deep inside our psyche we all know that. Science is finally catching up.

At some point this blog will become part of a larger website site called "Now Being Well". Those three words are incredibly important and powerful to me. Those three words were a part of a mantra I would recite continuously in my brain, the first couple of years that I presented with Multiple Sclerosis. Along with other things that I did, I do believe that those three words rewired my brain and I was able to heal some of the lesions that exist inside my head. I have the MRI scans to prove it.

"Now being well, well being now, being now well, now wellbeing"

In those early years with MS there were three other sources that I found much comfort in. The book by Norman Doidge titled "The Brain that Changes Itself". Just the title alone screams a positive outlook rather than facing a life sentence trapped by a particular medical condition. A meditation CD called "Spontaneous Remission" by Debbie Williams; and the feature documentary called "What the Bleep Do We Know". Since then evidence and understanding of the brain's neuroplasticity has exploded. In my mind, there is now doubt.

It was in the video "What the Bleep Do We Know" that I first came across Joe Dispenza. With the other things that happened in my life, Joe and his subsequent work fell off my radar. A couple of weeks ago, a friend made me aware that Joe was running a course in Sydney in the near future and if I was interested in going along. Today, I signed up for my ticket. I am so excited! I might even have a neural orgasm!


Flying Solo Tip 038365 : You are wired to heal, give yourself permission.


post script : I have decided to solve one of my life's mysteries and google pine cones and have a guess what ... read this

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