I realised two things today. I'm a wimp! and I ain't no snow bunny.
There is a strange fact about most houses in Sydney - they have poor insulation. When the temperature drops, my home becomes a reincarnated freezer, and my studio the heart of the iceblock. Sometimes it can be several degrees colder inside the house than it is outside.
Since the first presentation of my MS, I've had difficulty in regulating my core body temperature. Some people with MS suffer with the heat, for me it seems to be the cold, as soon as the external drops below 18 degrees C, I am layering up just to find some warmth. Maybe it's just my reptilian nature.
So with a chilly day in Sydney here are my top environmentally friendly and economically friendly tips for staying warm while doing sedentary work, in a work space that you cannot adequately heat by other means.
1. Beanie ... I like the ones with tassles - something to play with when you mind is wandering from the work at hand.
2. Scarf ... the longer the better
2. Fingerless Gloves ... especially if you have a Mac and need to use a tracking pad, rather than mouse.
3. Nice thick fluffy socks ... two pairs if the toes are feeling numb. (The numb toes are a result of my MS and not the cold, and even though the socks don't alleviate the numbness, at least I can imagine that my toes are nice and toasty down there in a double layer of thick socks)
4. Ugg Boots ... preferably purple
5. A hot water bottle ... for maximum effect stuff it between your double layer of sweaters to keep it close to your chest.
6. As evening approaches, a lap blanket doesn't go astray.
7. Multiple cups of hot tea.
P.S. Matching the colours and patterns of your attire is optional ... Today I chose the non matching option.
P.S.S. apologies for the lateness of this post but I have "snowed under" :)
Flying Solo Tip 034365 : A warm heart brings comfort.