Just a run of the mill kind of day. An onsite photoshoot, and delivery of images to meet a very quick turnaround time and deadline.
I took the train to the photoshoot and everyone in the carriage was connected to some kind of device or another. It is so strange to actually observe the human race is such states of comatosis. It reminded me of another poem I wrote, in the early 90's. I had to write an assignment about workplace relations and what would be the key challenges in 30 years time, and writing that assignment had been the inspiration for this piece.
I remember that the comments back from the assessors was that it was a very creative piece of work. Pity I had not had the foresight to follow through with some of the ideas that I had conveyed in that assignment - I could have been a very rich person today. I had written about how most people would work from home, isolated from each other because they would all be connected through computers, of how home appliances like the fridge would order the food, and that everything would be delivered on time, on schedule, on automation. Anyway, here is the poem :
World of machines
World gone
Blasted into the infiniteness
Of the Universe.
I had lost thought an age ago
But how long ago
I honestly do not know.
They were able to do
Everything for me.
But, as I lost thought
To the world of machines
I also lost time
To comprehend, and
To understand.
Flying Solo Tip 084365 : Be the master of your connections with the world, and not enslaved by connections of convenience.