It has been a reasonably long but satisfying day behind the camera, and this vintage brain is feeling lazy tonight. So here is another one of the vintage poems I wrote way back when.
This one was highly commended in a poetry competition and was subsequently published in a collection of poetry ... sadly I no longer have a copy of the published book, nor can I remember what was the title of the book ... vintage brain at work!
At the time, I had painted a large oil painting to accompany the verse. Unlike most of my writing, either back then or even now, it is very minimalistic - which I am sure my readers will appreciate!
I came
butterfly took
sun rose
river sang
I came
tortoise heard
sun walked
waterfall cried.
I came
prawn thought
sun slept
mountain blue.
I came
bamboo danced
stars played
stream laughed.
I came
monkey forgot
moon turned
today died.
I came
tiger killed
religion lost
love answered.
eye saw
ear heard
mouth spoke
heart felt.
I came
lips red
breasts blue
thighs green.
Flying Solo Tip 060365 : Look back on the past with fresh eyes. Look to the future with wiser eyes. Look at the present with open eyes.