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drago : 032365

storm in a teacup

Have you ever woken up, feeling emotionally and mentally ready for the day, only that to find that your body is in revolt? That is how I woke this morning. I just wasn't sure which end of the body was going to lead the charge! (so to speak). Neither did my body it seemed, they argued for quite some time!

Whenever I feel unwell, I consider the unwellness from a physiological and at a metaphysical level i.e. what is the connection with my unwellness and how I am currently managing my life at the emotional, mental and spiritual level. My MS has taught me this - at one level there is the physical aspects of the disease, but it has also been my barometer for when other things in my life are out of whack.

So to wake up with stomach issues this morning, has put me on alert. Perhaps I picked up a bug over the weekend, however I rarely catch stomach bugs even if everyone around me is falling into a heap. I have had stomach problems in the past, and they were often tied directly to some kind of emotional trauma. So with that kind of medical history, it was also important for me to reflect on my energy fields as well today.

Our inner thoughts and feelings are often closely connected with what we feel in the stomach like "having a gut feeling". At a metaphysical level, the stomach is also associated with the third chakra, the solar plexus, the seat of our personal power, self-esteem, willpower, and self-discipline. It is not surprising that perhaps, my stomach is talking to me. With all the inner work and focus on personal power lately, there is probably some old and no longer useful energy hanging about that needs to be cleansed. More recently I have been taking to a friend about doing a cleansing weekend, so my mind is already preparing itself to cleanse ... it cannot wait to heal, and now it seems my stomach is in agreement.

My wellness regime today included a meditation, cups of licorice tea to aid in relining and balancing the stomach, cups of ginger tea, a couple of bananas for their source of pectin to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea. I also took it easy on the work front. I am positive that by tomorrow, with another meditation tonight using some of the insights I gleaned from being in conversation with my gut all day that I will be back in full flight.


Flying Solo Tip 032365 : Listen to your gut.


Personal power, control, freedom, mental energy

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